Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am cheap.  I don’t like to spend bundles of money on anything.  I LOVE Pottery Barn.  Loving Pottery Barn, and being cheap just don’t mix, and it makes me sad.  But, I am sad no more because I have fallen in love with a blog that is pretty much written for me! 

Once upon a time, Cammie told me about this great new blog she found called Knock Off Wood.  I then drooled over it’s awesomeness for more than an hour and decided that one day I would build everything Ana (author of said awesome blog) has built and shows on her blog.  Seriously, this girl rocks!  SHE not only builds these amazing pieces of furniture, but she gives YOU and ME the plans for FREE!  Seriously!  And, as if that isn’t awesome enough, she tells you exactly how much it will cost, and it’s always cheap!  SERIOUSLY!  Can you tell I am super pumped about this site?!

Well, Cammie and I have tried our hand at building, and I think that, between the two of us, we could totally rock some of these projects. 

AUT_0148 Picture_191

My husband is currently, and very slowly, finishing our basement.  One of the rooms in the basement will be a playroom (which I cannot wait to have!).  This playroom will NEED these:


Definitely this:

kid table

Or maybe this:

kid table2 

So from these pictures, that I just dream about, Ana makes a “knock off” and affordable version, and then shares the plans so that we can all do it too!  I mean the list of things she has built, and the plans she has available to us, is endless!  Bring on the power tools baby…I am so ready to build something!


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