Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The ULTIMATE Apple Pie

After a Saturday of picking apples, Cammie and I ended up with a BUNCH of apples!  Of course that automatically means we start making desserts!  Our all time FAVORITE apple dessert is a little slice of heaven (or a really big slice in my case!).  Sour Cream Apple Pie.  Mmmm.  I know, sounds weird, but tastes AMAZING!  Your taste buds will thank us!  This pie is made the most during apple season, or any season at Cammie’s house!  And is always demolished at Thanksgiving!  You are really in for a treat!

Sour Cream Apple Pie pic

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from SITS...This recipe soudns great. We have some apples left from apple picking. I think I am going to try it (and not tell my husband about the sour cream part).
    Holly @ 504 Main
