Monday, September 28, 2009

This Week on Pocket Full of Posies

First things first…we still haven’t heard from our Give-Away winner, Camie Rae Coles, so if we don’t hear from her by midnight (Pacific Time) tonight we will be announcing a new winner tomorrow!  Send us an Email Camie!

Ok, on to what will be going on this week…

This week, on Pocket Full of Posies, be on the look out for 2 new and FREE recipes. We have some super yummy recipes that just need to be tried by you!  Also, we love to “blog hop” and have found 2 blogs that we think that you may be interested in as well.  So, keep an eye out for those features this week too.  We want to try and feature blogs we find helpful and interesting regularly, so if you have one you think we would be interested in, or if you know someone who does, leave a comment with your link so we can check it out.  It’s going to be a good week!

Finally, don’t forget about our promotion going on right now: 1 FREE Recipe Package with the purchase of any Monthly or Weekly Pocket Package.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on your personal blog this morning and followed it over to here. I am impressed by your pocket system and, I really think it will save both time & money! I ordered the Monthly pocket package and look forward to seeing it! As a bonus, free cards are always nice! Keep up the good work!!!
